
Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Play(dates)

I am so excited that summer is almost here.....I can taste it (so can Jackson, in the form of the dreaded juicebox, choc full of sugary least it is 100% juice...who am I kidding?  Juicebox = addict).  Only six more days of school and then Mommy will be home for the summer!  Hooray!  For the last two weeks Jackson and I have attended two very fun SJhipMaMas playdates, and I am looking forward to many more.  I love being a part of this mommy's group and I feel that I have found many women that have similar views on parenting (yet with wisdom and advice that often times I am lacking) and through this, relationships friendships are being forged.  Non-judged, accepting, relaxed, welcomed friendships.  For me it has been spectacular to have 'other moms' around (even if at times only by e-mail) to keep me sane.  For Jackson it has been an opportunity to explore who he is and form relationships and connections with other tots.  Speaking as a first time mom, it is amazing to watch your child discover 'who they are' and 'what they can do'.  I love watching the interactions he has with other babes, watching them problem solve together and yet independently.  Even when I (or another parent) feels like it is time to intervene due to conflict, the kids quickly move on, playing together with a different toy or situation.  Such a lesson we can learn from our children.

 Cutie-pie Hazel in her bikini

Water babies

Thank for the awesome play-date Lily!

And speaking of realizing what you are capable of...

Every night in our house we go through the same gerneal bedtime routine.  Bath, lotion, diaper, jammies, hugs and kisses to Daddy, nurse, sleep.  It is so well orchestrated that it is a haven for all of us.  So, usually when Jack's bath is being run, I take off his diaper and let him streak around the house for a few minutes, burning off any of the extra energy.   This next part has now happened twice, my reaction both times has been the same.  Freeze......and laugh my you know what off. 
Jackson = diaper off, run out of room, pick up a toy, stop, stand up, pee on the floor, watch the rug turn dark as he does this with COMPLETE AWE, mesmorized by the pee on the floor, step in it, bend down to touch it....Mommy intervenes....into the bath you go Bub. 

I don't know why I think this is so funny, clearly the cleaning it up is not fun, nor the fear that he will think it is ok to pee on the floor or whenever his diaper is off.  But, I think as I watch the utter amazement in his eyes, I am amazed to.  He is so curious, and aware.  Two things I, as an adult, need to remind myself to be.  So I laugh.  Maybe he is ready to try the potty. 

 Hello, summer?  Are you there?

Ah, there is a piece of you stuck between my toes!

Got ya

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