
Saturday, December 18, 2010


I think this picture with Santa explains it all.  Neither one of them look even remotely thrilled to be there, the only saving grace was the fruit flavored candy cane at the end (picture previously posted here).  However, we have returned to the mall since the visit with Santa and now Jackson makes a bee-line to Santa's (over priced, elaborate, and almost impossible to see inside of - I'm sure because they want to make it impossible to get your own picture and soak you for even more money..*happy holidays*-) Wonderland.  Running and yelling the whole way, Santa, Santa.

Well kid, where was that enthusiasm before?  Huh? Why can't you be more like these people?
The enthusiasm I mean.

Merry Christmas (almost)! 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Escape Artist

One morning, not so long ago, I was awoken from my slumber to hear a babe playing.... downstairs.... in the living room....WTF?   Alas, this is not even the beginning of the story.  A few weeks before I should have seen what was about to become....the reality of our lives.

The beginning (of this particular story):
About a month ago (or so) I was showering when I heard a knock at the door.  Thinking it was Frank, I yelled an exasperated WHAT?!@#!$? (shower time = a few precious moments to oneself).  No answer, then knock again.  Then a "Mommy?"....WTF?  The last I knew my child was sound asleep in the comfort and safety of his crib.  ' can't be....' I thought to myself.  Not only would he had to have climbed out of his crib, but also open the door...neither he was capable of.....OR SO I THOUGHT.

A week (or so) passes and there are no incidents.  'Maybe he forgot, or it was just a fluke' I thought.  'Hahahahahahahahahahaha.  Right Mom, right....that's right....I forgot......(insert sarcasm here)'.  Not only did he remember, but he was secretly climbing in and out of his crib.....he just refused to do it in front of anyone.

Until one day..............

 and he's out!

And now?  Well, there is obviously no stopping him!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Getting Ready For Christmas

While Babci & Dziadzi were in town to help celebrate Thanksgiving, I took the opportunity to put our Chirstmas tree up.  Now, I have never been one of those people who was overly early with the Christmas decorating and yes, I generally balk when I see the stores filled with Holiday items before Halloween.  This year it was different however.....I welcomed the holiday cheer into my heart (and home) early.  Maybe it is because I now have a toddler that I am throughly enjoying showing the wonder of the season to.... or, maybe it was because my wonderful Mother-in-law was there to help watch Jackson while I was knee deep in ornaments and Christmas spirit.  Regardless, our tree is up and our house is ready for Santa (well almost.....)

Ornament obsessed

 Glittery Apples....

taste so good!

Pulling off hanging his favorite 'Ernie'

Happy Starting the Holidays!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I have so very many things that I am thankful for.  This Thanksgiving was an especially special one. Rather than recite the obvious, I will just make this simple statement that I hope encompasses it all....

My life is so full, and I am so incredibly blessed, and as a result I am so THANKFUL.


Who loves his pie

he also love his Daddy (as do I)

and Mommy too...

can't forget about Babci & Dziadzi!

We are thankful for fruit flavored candy canes around here too......

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


"Leaves are falling, gently falling, falling to the ground"  A line from one of our Music Together songs.  There is something so peaceful and so wonderful about leaves blanketing the ground during the Fall.  I think perhaps it is the most perfect time of year. 

This little kid might just agree with me....

 Pure Joy!

Happy Raking Everyone!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Like Family Post Op

A few days after I posted the first Like Family blog, Aunt Tara come into town after being on call all night at the hospital, for another "like family" member's baby shower.  It was great to see she is the closest thing to a "sister" that I have!  This all might be getting slightly confusing to you if you don't know the inner (and outer) workings of this "like family" circle.  Look HERE if you would like some clarification...or maybe it will confuse you even more....who knows? All I know is that it is as simple as it can be to us...we love our friends like family.

 God Mommy

Uncle Terrence!

Just in case you were still confused about my double entendre title for this post


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Like Family

There are some people in your life that are more like family than much of your own family.  This is why we choose these special people to be Godparents.....and God brothers and sisters too.  We call them uncle and aunt and refer to them as cousins and we wouldn't have it any other way.  We love them, so much in fact that we don't want to leave when the visit is over.  (This is the second time now that Jackson has thrown a full on screaming, yelling, kicking, tantrum because we had to leave somewhere he wanted to stay....)

Boys will be boys and some girls will be boys for a bit (and then resume their natural ability to nurture). This is for certain though, when the boys get together, CHAOS rules!



 The only thing missing from this picture is Grace!

 The God Fathers

 The next generation

Momma Ella

And, speaking of Godparents.....We miss you Aunt Tara and a visit is LONG overdue!  We love you!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dog Days

Ah, a boy and his there anything like it?  Lately Jackson has been thoroughly and intensely  obsessed with Zoe.  He takes pride in giving her nightly milkbone (sometimes morning and daily too), letting her outside to do her duty (to which he replies "Zoe's poopin"), holding her leash while we take her for a walk, sharing tidbits of his snacks & meals (to which he then cries heartily when she eats his cookie) and, the playing.  Now that is something entirely of it's own nature.  Disasterous in any sense of the word with many dogs....but not Zoe.  I do declare that we may just have one of the world's best dogs...she takes the abuse with a smile on her little doggie face and a hat on her head (well sometimes).

Just a little side note:  Jack is getting pretty smart too....he can now count to 12, BY HIMSELF, that put both Frank and I in a longstanding state of shock last night...and he obviously know all of his doggie parts....

Ah yes, there is nothing like a boy and his dog.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Triple Threat

This year I thought we were going to have a slight dilema in the costume department.  It started out that, in August, I found this really great Elmo costume at a consignment sale for $3.  Sold.  Elmo is a favorite and I assumed it would be a no brainer.  Wrong.  Trying the costume the first time = crying and "NONONONONONO".  Trying the costume for a second time = crying and "NONONONONONONONONONO".  Trying to try the costume for a third time = SCREAMING NOOOOOOOOOO before Elmo actually touched him.    Ok...plan B, flash forward to October.....we need a costume.  I happened upon a great pair of skeleton pajamas at baby gap that would be perfectly scary and comfy too for Halloween festivities.  Done.  Or are we?  That week Col & Mike (who have fashionably clothed Jackson since his birth) once again handed down bins, boxes and bags of clothes that their boys had grown out of (thanks also to the succession of boys preceding mine and to all who have contributed to this awesome wardrobe) and amidst it all there's a's a's the perfect costume.  SUPERMAN! 

Well you just know where this is going to go.....more than one event = more than one costume.

 Scary Skeleton at our Halloween play date party

 The old standby


Happy Bones

 Super crank

 my favorite face EVER!

 watching the Westmont parade

 Super Love

 Can Superman be contained?  He must.....

 Super Crash

Oh yeah....and remember that Elmo costume?

 He loves it now.....those are actually tears of joy

 Trick or treat

 Party pooper Daddy would not dress up

Miss Jenn's costume definitely took the cake though....

My only regret is that I should have dressed up as Katy Perry.

Elmo wants candy