
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Trippin' (the fun kind where you don't get hurt)

This summer we was blessed with the good fortune to be presented with many opportunites for FUN!  Of course I took advantage of everything that I could and thoroughly enjoyed just about every minute of this summer.

In order of occurrence:  

Please Touch Museum with Melissa, Shea, & Babci.   
SO MUCH FUN!  Jackson and Shea had a blast (alright...I'll admit it....I think the Mommies and Babcis had just as much or more fun) driving the Bus, exploring the jungle, grocery shopping at Shoprite, planting in the garden, making music......the list goes on and on.  Thank you Melissa & Shea for an awesome time at Please Touch!

Visit from Tristan and Aunt Lauren
Ok, Ok so this really wasn't a trip for us....but Aunt Lauren and cousin Tristan traveled all the way the Kentucky to come and visit!  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE spending time with them.  I don't think there is anyone in the world that I laugh with as much as my "sista", and that nephew of mine....I just want to eat him up for breakfast, lunch and dinner and even still he would make the sweetest desert!  I wish I could say Jackson felt the same way but it was pure cousin competition at first....well ok, the whole time....but you can tell they really love each other....hopefully.

Ahhhh!  Sunshine, girlfriends (this would be for both Jackson and I), lots of playtime and snack time....we had the BEST TIME!  Jack and I took a trip, sans Daddy (we wanted to give him time to recover after his really we were doing him a favor...right?) to visit the Matthis family in sunny and hot Stuart, Florida.  This trip was in the planning since they moved permanently last year, and I am so glad that we finally got the chance to go.  We had such a great, relaxing (well as relaxing as it can be with a 17 month old and a 20 month old running around) time with some of our very favorite people.  So to you Matthis's, we love you and we miss you and we WILL be back!

Ring Bearer x2
Jackson got the opportunity to be a ring bearer for the second time this summer for Frank's cousin Jill's wedding....He is certainly a pro now!

Visit from Grammy
Yes, Grammy did travel to us, that's right...but once she was here we also did some traveling too!  Those of you who know my mom know that she (and brace yourself, these are her words) can get all jacked up pretty easily.  Just a couple of cups of coffee and a little icing will do the trick nicely.  In other words my mom can go, go, go and then go some more.  She is an energetic force that brings joy and fun and love (and inevitably ends in a long nap for me).  We had such a great time spending the day at Hershey Park and my little dare-devil, thrill-seeker of a son couldn't get enough of the rides.  I am not talking about the rides that 18 month olds usually go on...NO.  I am talking about big people rides like the scrambler and log flume.  Spinning, twisting, turning, dropping, shaking, speeding, flying....this kid loves it all and cried every time we had to get off of the ride.  I was amazed that he was allowed on a lot of the big rides...but alas, he is no longer a "hand held infant".  We also spent a day at the zoo as Jackson really loves to see the animals now.  However, any time a monkey would come up to the glass he would grab on to me and say "nonononononononono".  Where is my little thrill seeker now huh?

One Gorilla he wasn't afraid of

Aunt Gail's Baby Shower
True, we didn't travel very far for this one, but it is well worth noting and sending our love to Gail, Joe and Baby S.  Plus, I am very proud of my poopy diaper mystery game and I thought "all 9" of my readers might like to see!


Such a wonderful, wonderful summer.....I am really sad that it had to end.......

1 comment:

  1. You did so much fun stuff! Jackson is blessed with such a great family!

    P.S. Love your bangs!!!!
