
Thursday, April 29, 2010


Musical season is upon FULL swing.  This year the wonderful students of Delran Middle School (the school in which I teach) are performing You're A Good Man Charlie Brown.  I know it is going to be wonderful and so worth all of the hard work that has gone into it, but it has really been a test for me this year.  By far this is toughest musical season for me, especially this week.  This week is tech week, the week where we produce the show, with lights, sounds, music...etc.  With our show opening tomorrow, needless to say, I have been at school from about 7-7 everyday and not seeing Jackson (or Frank...or poor neglected Zoe).  I has been so difficult for me to be away from him so much.  Even, while I am working and my mind is on the MANY things that I am doing, the guilt still creeps in from time to time.  It also does not help that the minute I walk in the door, he clings to me all night and will not let go.  Even in his sleep his is Velcroed to my side, and the slighted separation sends him into a fit of sleepy tears. (At least he is very young and won't remember this).  So add it all up.  Being away from my child for most of his waking hours, working non-stop the time that I am away, not really getting any restful good nights of sleep.....I am exhausted and very ready for my life to resume it's normal routine.  Or am I?  I have amazing students who are doing an amazing job, and I am working with amazing people.  I am very blessed to have this wonderful opportunity!  Plus, Jackson looks so damn cute in his Charlie Brown shirt.  (pictures to come).

If you would like to come and see You're A Good Man Charlie Brown  Click Here for showtimes and ticket information!


  1. I hope the show is a HUGE success and that you get some rest soon.....summer is coming, hang in there! =)

  2. Kathy, I am so proud of you and Jackson is too!!!! We are going to have an amazing show and we are so glad you are a part of it. We wouldnt want it any other way!!!! Love working with you and thanks for keeping Jay sane!!! He couldnt do this without you!! See you soon, Fern
