
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Personal Style....What (Where) Is It?

I usually don't post like this but I am in major need of some stylistic if you are a mom and have been through this, or you have a shred of fashion sense please help me!

Where, oh where, has my sense of fashion gone?  I used to think of myself as a fairly put together person.  I really enjoy cute clothes and shoes and putting outfits together.  Now with a 14 month old.......well let's just say that my personal style (and personal self) is suffering.  The way I see it, this is a multi-facited problem. 

First problem:  Time (or lack there of)  I have lots of clothes to choose from but not enough time to think an outfit through which results in rush attempt at looking good, which then in turn doesn't look so good.  My only free time is really and truely after Jackson goes to bed, but all moms know that it's not really free...that time is spent cleaning up dinner, or throwing in a load of laundry or about one of the other 5 million things that need to be done before I crash for the night.

Second Problem:  Inspiration and Vision (or once again, lack there of)  I guess that the inspiration is there....I lately have taken to reading fashion blogs (thanks Lauren for the links on your page, they really got me thinking...) and have truely been inspired to try new things, but I feel overwhelmed.  I can't fully visualize an outfit all the way through...or what I think looks good when I put it on, I later feel self-conscious about.  I am really afraid it seems to think outside of the box and step out of my comfortzone (t-shirt and sweats --mommy uniform-- and at work...well....BORING).

Third Problem:  $$$$ (Definitely a lack there of)  being on the tightest of budgets (as we dreamily plan our future) I feel like the money I would really like to spend on myself for clothes and accesories either A.  get reallocated to other things like food, Frank or something that Jackson needs, and B.  the logical part of me settles for the $2 Target t-shirt rather than the $20 cute Target sandles (still a deal).

Fourth Problem:  Accessories      I do have some of these, but not nearly enough to make things interesting.  I really love jewerly but rarely wear it for fear that it will be ripped from my body by a toddler's curious grasp, or just because I forget to open up my jewelery box to pull out something to complement my outfit (even if I did have time to do this, at think point I wouldn't know where to start)

Are these all just excuses?  Maybe.  So my question to all of you Mommies who still posses some sense of personal style.....where do I start?

Oh more thing....I really feel like I am in major need of a hair makeover.  Half of it fell out after giving birth and is now growing back into a stringy, whispy mess that usually gets pulled into a messy ponytail or makeshift bun (I know, so healthy for the hair that remains right?)  I really want to take a risk but I am MAJORLY scared to change my hair.  I really want something edgy but cute and functional....perfect hair cut....come my way please.   

(I am not posting any pictures because today I am wearing capris that I have had for almost 10 years that are now two sizes too big and a orange striped sweater that was cute five or six years ago that now requires a tank top under it because of it's can probably visualize it to be cuter than it is.....oh yeah and old jcrew flip flops -fancy and professional)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, first of all, you are BEAUTIFUL and always look very put together in all of the pictures you post! And second, don't fret too much over "outfits." I think the best thing a mama can do is to invest in a few nice but casual, flattering dresses. Dresses are seasonless (you can wear with tights, cardigans, jackets, scarves, even with long sleeves underneath during fall/winter, and without much of anything in spring/summer)and easy to throw on without worrying too much about what to wear with them. And seriously, spend the money on a couple that you LOVE instead of buying 20 $12 dresses that you kind of like. I guarantee you will get MUCH more wear out of them.
    As for hair... lady, you would look HOT with a cute, super short pixie hairdo. I promise. Do it!!!!
