
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Home Videos

Recently I was smacked in the face with the reality that my son is growing up so, so, so fast.  And while I am savoring every moment that I can, I realize that I am still missing something a lot while I am at work.  Then I can across some videos that I took of him last year at this time and I cried.  I cried at the loss of my baby, I cried at how proud of my little boy I am, I cried at the dreams I have for his future, and I cried because I am so glad he is mine.  Sentimental tears....happy tears.....sad tears.....all of the above.  The purpose of this post was not to depress the hell out of you, but to cheer you up with these adorable videos (which I also realize I should be taking daily.....)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Kathy! I loved these! It really does go fast, but you are enjoying every moment, and that's all you can do! Bravo to you for seeing that.
