
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chatter Box

Jackson has been adding to his vocabulary slowly now for quite sometime. But, somehow, over the last two weeks or so he has just seemed to "take off". He now will repeat anything everything you say (yes, we have even heard....the occasional "shit"....whoops...blush). Some of it is still slightly garbled, but becoming more and more clear by the day (just in case you were wondering the "shit" was crystal clear...of course). He has many conversations with us that are still to us undecipherable, but we know without a shadow of a doubt that he is talking business.

Last night, as Jackson was sitting in his high chair eating his delish spinich and cheese omlette, he wanted more juice. This is how our conversation played out.

Jackson: "Uhhhhhh", while shoving the juice cup in my direction
Me: "What would you like?"
Me: "Tell Mommy what you want"
Me: "Tell me in words buddy"
Jackson: "Jooooos.......Plees......Mommy"

My Heart Melts.....

Some of Jackson's favorite words (and mine to listen to) include elpant (elephant), pane (plane), bimp (blimp - yes one floated past our house a couple of weeks ago and there were many tears when it disappeared from view) b'nana (banana), abbl (apple) lion (lion) and so, so many more that my over tired brain can not think of.

I love my little chatter box.

1 comment:

  1. That video is adorable. He really loves W. By the way, Desmond has the same shirt and he wore it yesterday for John Lennon's birthday.
