
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow Day

Just one question.....why do snow days always seem to happen on the weekend and NEVER on a school day?  Aside from that slight annoyance, we thoroughly enjoyed our snow day today.  It gave us a reason to stay inside and relax rather than hustle and bustle to get everything done before Christmas. Since this was Jack's first big snow storm, I, of course, had to capture the moment.  As much as I tried, I only got a few shots.  It was just too darn cold out there!  For the 15 minutes it took us to get bundled up, we were outside for 5 minutes tops!  My sentiments are with Bing today, hopefully some of this snow will stick around and we can have a magical, quintessential "White Christmas". 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures!!!!

    I agree with the bundling thing. I kept trying to tell Natalie being out in the snow would be better when it stopped. She disagreed!

    Hope to see Jack soon he is getting huge!
