
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fun with Santa...


Each year my school holds an annual 'Lunch with Santa' where tots can make Christmas crafts, eat lunch, and of course, sit on Santa's lap.  As soon as we walked in, Jackson begged to see Santa.  Demanded to see Santa.  Cried to see Santa.  As I took him to get our tickets, he tried to escape to see Santa.  I was excited by the excitement that he possessed about Santa!   Then it was out turn, time for us to walk down the red carpet toward Santa..... and then...... meltdown city.  


 Trying to desperately get away!

I even tried to do a picture together, thinking that maybe, just maybe, he would be alright with me there too.  Um, a big fat no to that one too, thank you very much.

Nothing that a few instruments and some Backyardigans couldn't solve though...

 In Mommy's class room, making noise music

Backyardigans on the big screen can make almost anything better.

The best part of the whole Santa incident was really the conversation that came after.  

M:  "Tell Daddy whose lap you sat on today."

J: "Santa's, but I didn't want to, I cried."

M:  "You didn't like sitting on Santa's lap very much did you buddy?"

J:  "No, I didn't, but you made me (short pause for dramatic effect), and I cried."

 Ah! The wonder of the holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Jackson is getting so big! He is adorable (and hilarious!). We skipped Santa this year. Oliver is terrified of him and Milo was indifferent. Maybe next year, just when Emil starts becoming terrified as well. Ha, ha! Miss you, lady!
