
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The (Busy) Beach Bum

Taking a two year old to the beach is a production all it's that really can't be managed without some help.  When I was asked to do a beach family photo shoot for one of my very favorite families I jumped at the chance.  When Frank told me he would be away that weekend, I quickly became re-grounded to the earth.  I didn't take me long to figure out that I was going to need a helper to come along for the day, and by the time Sammi (babysitter extraordinaire) agreed I was back to jumping for joy. 

The photo shoot was great and Jackson LOVED playing in the sand with Sammi while I blissfully snapped away.  Easy breezy day at the beach.

Ha ha ha ha ha.....until he discovered the ocean.  Which he did not want to ever get out of.  Needless to say, by the end of the day not only were Sammi and I both exhausted, but my back, arms, and legs were all sore from the workout of chasing a non-stop (and when I say non-stop I really mean didn't-stop-for-one-minute-to-even-have-a-drink-or-a-snack-or-give-mommy-even-one-second-to-catch-her-breath kind of non-stop) two year old around in the hot sun all day.

The gleeful shrieks and screeches of "Mommy we're in the ocean!!!" and "Ha, ha, I wanna swim again" made it all worth while!  I can't wait to take him back to the beach with Daddy, I have after all been told that he takes after his father when it comes to the water!

 I will conquer the ocean!....(and, he did)

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