
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Potty Time

Slowly, very slowly, for quite awhile now we have been introducing, reinforcing, talking up, trying to convince Jackson that it would be a good idea to maybe, just maybe, possibly(?) potty train.

"Wouldn't you like to sit on the potty?"


"Do you want to sit on the big potty or little potty?"


"I know, Let's sit on the potties together!" (that would be me on the regular size one and he on the small one...ha ha)


This is typically how our conversations went.  Now if you are wondering if he is ready, I can honestly say, having never potty trained a child before, that I think so (?).  Maybe.

He is able to tell us when he has pooped or needs to, and if I catch it just right, he has peed in the toilet numerous times.  But to just sit there and try to poop, even when he tells you he is going, well I'm sure you can guess the answer.  Right!  A big, NOPE!

Until this day.  He asked for some fruit snacks and then as he started eating them, he said he had to go.

"Which potty do you want to sit on?"

"Little potty."

So with fruit snacks in hand, he sat.....

and, ate

 and sat, and ate....

and all that came out was this big smile for the camera

We are working on it.  Any potty training tips and advice from more experienced parents/grandparents/caregivers are most definitely welcomed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, hang in there! Each kid is different. Milo was potty trained at twenty months because HE initiated it- and hated to poop in his diaper. Oliver is a different story- he hates sitting on the potty for any amount of time and prefers to poop his pants. Just keep doing what you're doing, don't pressure, and it will happen!

    By the way, love the new facelift you gave your blog! Looks great.
