As a first time mom I am amazed at what my child learns and is capable of on a daily basis. This one is the most unbelieveable thus far. Jack has been walking less than a month, I have to remind myself of that sometimes. This only makes it more unbelievable though. Yesterday Frank, Jackson and I were hanging around the house when Jack decided to climb onto the couch, which is not abnormal. What was amazing is that when he wanted to get down he sat down on the couch, scootched his little bottom to the very edge and then jumped down landing on his feet. It was big deal mom, I got this. He is ONE! I was shocked and Frank just laughed. You never cease to amaze us kid.
Some other random happenings:
Saying Hi, or actually Haaaaaiiii into any phone, remote (or anything thing the remotely looks like a phone -or remote-)
Jack's ability to find his nose, your nose, Zoe's nose, any nose and say Noooos Nooooos Nooooos.
Tantrum throwing (not my favorite although very commical at times). All I can say is we have a very strong willed boy and I am getting really good and finding any distraction.
Jack's unquenchable facination with sticks, stones and mulch. He will choose over any toy anytime. And parting with it is true sorrow.
Ahh the life and times of having a boy!
Playing in the mulch
He is so cute! Love the pics!!!!!!!!!!!!