I'll start with me: I have been having an interesting transition going back to work. Between lesson plans, choir, pumping, and all else that goes into a school day, it has been extremely busy. Add this to the fact the the minute I walk in the door I am in "Mommy-Mode" and this equals absolutely zero time to myself.....EVER. I know understand when first time Mom's say they barely have time to shower...I can take it one step further and say I barely (or sometimes even don't) have time to go to the bathroom. Don't they tell you when you are a kid that it is bad for you if you hold it in???? All in all though I am just missing my days with my little man and it did take me a couple of weeks to mourn the loss of being a stay at home Mom! I can't say that I completely successfully transitioned into career Mom because I feel like our lives are always transitioning and changing, but we are getting there....whatever that means.
Now Daddy: They way I see it: He is definitely searching for the balance between trying to work full time (from home) and watch Jackson 3 days a week! Hard???? Sure! A better word...IMPOSSIBLE! We have all learned from each other....fought some, but at the end of the day try to laugh and enjoy our wonderful son and of course thank God for how lucky we are to have him and our crazily busy jobs.
As for Jackson, aside from still growing like a weed, teething and drooling constantly, and waking up numerous time a night (sometimes to eat, sometimes just to cuddle and other times to play) he is amazing. Six months is such a fun age. He is eating and seems to be enjoying lots of foods, sitting up completely by himself for long stretches, and get ready for it....pulling himself up to standing! The crawling has yet to happen and he may be running around before that. It is amazing how quickly he masters a skill or how determined he is. Whether it is to grab something out of his reach or get a better view of his favorite companion Zoe, he definitely has a mind of his own. He is growing up so quickly and we are still just trying to enjoy every moment. And those other working Moms are absolutely right...seeing that big semi-toothy smile just for me when I walk in the door after work is the best part of my day!
Here are some pictures from September to enjoy!
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