
Saturday, May 16, 2009

A restful night!

Big News! Jack slept through the night for the first time last night! After 1 1/2 of crying, Mommy started the bedtime routine early (bath, lotion massage, eat, rock, lullaby) and finally.....ahhh....sleep. FOR THE ENTIRE NIGHT! He slept from 8:30 until 5:30 (then of course was wide awake, ready to eat and raring to go!) It was wonderful, while Daddy was out of town for a Bruce Springsteen concert, Mommy and Jackson enjoyed a very restful night of sleep! Next step, sleeping in his own bed!


  1. Woo-hoo!!!!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed it and didn't feel the urge to peek in and check on him! =)

  2. Yeah,Yeah!!!!I bet you were overjoyed!!!that Jack slept through the night.
