
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Flying the Coupe

Oh springtime.....where are yoooooooooou?   Needless to say.....we have been going a little nutty being couped up in the house, especially now that Jack is on the move and into (and on top of) EVERYTHING!  Most of our time at home is spent redirecting him from climbling over the make shift barriers of stroller, chairs, bins (anything we can find) to block off the book case and stairs, which he easily gets to now anyway.  Where did our little baby go?  We now, three weeks away from the big one year mark, have an EXTREMELY active toddler on our hands.  We are watching him grow and change literally before our eyes.  One day last week I turned away for a split second and then turned back to see Jack standing (yes standing) in the middle of the room with nothing near him to hold on to.  Everyday since he has become better and better at balancing and has even taken a few steps here and there.  I can not wait for the snow to melt so that we are able to go for walks and to the playground and get back to exploring the world from the eyes of a one year old.  So it is......

Dear Springtime,
          Please come soon! We desperately need you!
The Drachowski Family

We did get to leave our nest for a little while on Sunday to visit with Aunt Lauren, Babci and cousin Tristan.  Here are some pictures of the cutie pie cousins! 




Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Will You Be My Valentine?

I love Valentines Day!  I am not ashamed to admit it!  Many people carry on about how it is a superficial holiday and it's just another excuse to spend money....well I disagree.  We spent zero dollars and still got very much into the spirt of Valentines Day and "felt the love"!  For our family, spending the day together with no stress, making and giving homemade cards to each other and enjoying delicious food (Frank made his famous crab cakes ~ YUM~ and I made chocolate truffles) made this a perfect holiday!  I will take any excuse to wear pink, eat chocolate, spend time with my guys and just LOVE!  I do have to admit, it is pretty easy to love the most wonderful, beautiful baby, awesome husband and fabulous dog in the entire world.

My Valentine

Our card to Daddy 

True Love

My Funny (Pantsless) Valentine

Friday, February 12, 2010

Jackaroni And Cheese

Thanks to Daddy for coming up with that one.  Very creative Daddy we have here.  Jack's favorite food as of late, which I try to keep to very limited quanities is (if you haven't already guessed) macaroni and cheese....yes the gross (but secretly yummy) and unhealthy one that comes in a box.  In my own defense I do try to stick to the organic and gluten free one and sneak in some veggies while I'm at it.  It is pretty funny watching a whole dish full of the yummy orange stuff disappear in record time.  He even has a unique way of eating around the vegetables.  He really is amazingly smart and does not miss anything.  He certainly keeps us on our toes!



Mom! You snuck in a carrot

Zoe, you can have my veggies

and I ate every last bite....of macaroni.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Third Time's A Charm

With the third storm of this winter season came Mommy's first day off from school.  Hooray!  We, thankfully, did not lose power like many around us and stayed inside all toasty and warm to wait out the storm.  We did enjoy the view for a bit by the window while one certain dog braved the elements.  It has been a delightful unexpected week of only one day of school for me.  Even though the snow may be a huge inconvience to some (or most), I will take whatever I can get to be at home with my guys...and to have a pajama day. 

We found plenty of things to keep us busy...actually Jackson found plenty of things to keep himself busy, which in turn kept Mommy very busy.  He has become quite the little climber.  He can climb the entire flight of stair to upstairs in about 30 seconds.  Scary! 





Snowy Zoe


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowed In


We survived the first big snow storm of 2010 by snuggling up inside for the weekend.  It was the PERFECT opportunity to just stay home and have an excuse to do nothing except be with each other.  We were just extra lucky the Babci got snowed in with us! Once the snowfall stopped we did venture out into the snow for a small winter adventure (and lots of shoveling for Daddy).

Notice the target bag boots that Jack is wearing.  Mommy had to be resourceful....Robeez are not really snow appropriate.





All Warm Again

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Playin' In The Kitchen

Back, many moons ago, or maybe just a few years, I used to teach Music Together, a music class for infants and toddlers and thier mommies and daddies.  One of my favorite songs was one called 'Playin' In The Kitchen' featuring many unique and wonderful kitchenesque sounds, ie. pots, pans, spoons, get the idea.  Last Saturday morning (very early of course) Jackson was finished with breakfast but I was not finished with my morning clean up and needed just a few more minutes of something to keep him occupied.  In a brief flash of inspriation, (or maybe more likely one of those 'oh duh' moments) I heard the song in my mind.  I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before, but I handed him a wooden spoon and some plastic containers.  Needless to say, I was able to finish cleaning up, take chicken out of the freezer to defrost, and take pictures to boot.  By the end of the 'free kitchen play time' though I had also come to the realization that it was really time to baby proof! 




Monday, February 1, 2010

Busy (And Ocasionally Messy) Bub

Today we took Jack for his nine month check up (just a little late....) and we found that although he tall, tall, tall...already 30 inches.....he has leveled out in weight at 21 lbs.  Our fabulous Dr. Gooberman says that busy babies tend to do that and he is very healthy and doing great!  A busy baby is certainly what we have here too!  It is rare that Jack sits still these days.  He is going, going.....GONE!  I'm sure all of you parents out there know all too well how fast a baby can speed crawl across the entire house and be into (destroy) everything his the path.  It also seems these days that he is just to busy to get his picture taken!





Ha!  Got Ya!

On a side note, a quick funny story:

The Law of Attraction is working it's magic in our lives lately.  If you are unfamiliar with it I recommend reading the book 'The Secret'.  Much goodness has surrounded us lately and I am so thankful! Generally lately I have been really good about staying postive and appreciative but in a moment of stressed out weakness this is what happened.....

Jack and I sat down and cuddled up together in his chair to have our favorite story time.  About half way through Dr. Suess's ABC's I thought to myself 'wow Jack is really focused on the story.  He is even letting me read the whole page before he turns it', then I smelled it.  'Ok, no biggie.' I thought.  'I'll just change his diaper when we are finished'.  Then I felt it.  I looked down and saw that my shirt was slightly wet.  'Ok time to get changed now before the mess gets bigger.'  So, I proceed to change a very wiggly baby's diaper (which, if you have ever had the pleasure of doing for a strong-willed baby approaching one year old then you might be able to see where this is going).  Not so bad at first, I mean it really didn't look like that much poop.  In my defense, the front of the diaper was totally clean.  So, I slide the other diaper under ready for the wipe down and as I lift him up to do so I am confronted with the biggest predicament I have been faced with as a parent.  There is poop EVERYWHERE.  All the way up his back, on his arms, legs, hair and quickly migrating to....well EVERYWHERE.  I totally panicked (Lauren, I thought of you right away with the Proudie incident), but then I managed to quickly scoop up my very messy, very poopy Bub and set him in the tub.  No water, still fully clothed, and apparently very shocking to him which led to some tears.  Once I managed to get all of his VERY POOPY clothes off, we had one tub full of, well let's just say we needed to run a second bath......  The good news?  At the end of this I had a very happy, clean baby who thought it was great to take a bath in the middle of the day (don't get any ideas kid!), and I had to laugh at myself.  Whatever I had been stressing about earlier seemed so insignificant at that point and I suddenly felt such a strong feeling of gratitude that I had this moment with my son.  Not the I EVER need it to happen again........and a question for all the long does it take for the smell to be wiped from your memory? 

What is that smell?