Ok, so....Jackson is officially crawling! Let the craziness truely begin!!! Although he is still alittle camera shy (everytime I try to catch it on video he instantly drops to belly and kicks his legs and if to say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't film me) he is slowly getting braver.....and faster.....and sneakier. Our house, that I so proudly thought did not turn into a crazy array of utter babiness, except for a growing very nice basket of toys in our living room, is now deperately in need of MASSIVE baby proofing. How did this sneak up on us so fast? Where did our little baby boy go? He has now turned into the kid who MUST and I mean MUST have whatever you say he can't have! This includes everything from dirty shoes, to phones, remotes, computers, camera, and array of other things that are not appropriate for an 8 month old to play with. We even gave him his own cell phone to play with (actually two, a old extra one and an Elmo phone that plays music) which he has zero interest in. Well, that is until Frank pretends to text with it and doesn't let him have right away, then his interest peeks slightly. His new favorite thing to do? Why, pull himself up on our T.V. stand and mess around with the VCR. (Yes I said VCR...we rarely watch TV....I can at least proudly say that). I now know why so many working mothers always have a glazed look in their eyes and seems extremely absent minded....they are always just trying to keep up!
Videos to follow shortly! For now some pics (I know...not quite the same effect...sorry Lynds!)
And we really can't wait for this!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Mommy's Daycare....for a day!
This week, much to our dismay, our fabulous babysitter Betsy's daughter was sick. That meant that for part of the week, Jackson and the other kiddies had to stay home (or find other arrangements). So Jenn and I took turns trying to fill Betsy's shoes for the day. Very big shoes to fill! On Tuesday Mikayla came bright and early to our house and on Wednesday Jack went to her house. My babysitting experience was actually a pretty easy one. I was a little nervous, and not sure if I could handle two moblie little ones (yes I said mobile....Jackson is officially crawling!....more about that later), but they were both so good and they even napped at the same time! It was WONDERFUL! Even though Mikayla was a joy to watch, I still felt like I was on my toes all day and I am not quite sure that I am ready to have "another one" right yet! Hooray for Betsy who is now back in business!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunny And Seventy....in November?
After a week of the cold rainy noreaster that blew our way we were greeted with a beautiful 70 degree day today! It was a great opportunity to take some out door pictures with the new camera that I got (yea!) and am slowly learning to use. Here are some shots from our week, of my favorite subject of course! It is hard to choose, I took hundreds!
Monday, November 9, 2009
A Day At The Park
This weekend we were blessed with beautiful weather, a visit from Aunt Lauren, Uncle Dennis and Cousin Tristan, and a family day on Sunday with no work for Daddy to get in the way. It was AWESOME to get to spend the weekend with family, especially my own! Saturday we took Tristan and Jackson for a photo session at Sears (this was entirely because we had a coupon and were supposed to get a good deal...word to the wise...NEVER go to sear for pictures....we really should have known better.....) and laughed hysterically as Tristan went into a photo trance and Jack climbed on everything. Ahhhh baby photo shoots!

Sunday Frank, Jack, Zoe and I headed to the park for some family fun. It was a beautiful day and Jack enjoyed the swings, as always, and Frank and I were able to reconnect and enjoy some time together! It was a nice relief from the screechy teething baby who has recently taken over.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!
We spent our Halloween weekend with a visit from Babci and Grammy and trip to Delaware to visit Aunt Lauren, Uncle Dennis and Tristan in their new hometown! Our friend Joy was so wonderful to let us bring our crazy bunch to her beautiful home to celebrate a very fun Halloween. Jack and Tristan both had their first trick-or-treating experience (which T. slept right through...what do you want at 11 weeks?). Jack seemed to thoroughly it enjoy once he was finally strapped in the stroller and we were on our way. We had a little difficulty at first with the costume part of the evening, and he was not really into the mouse ears, but finally I managed to get them to stay on by bribing him with his pacifier (which he rarely uses) and candy (I know....great mothering...) A big THANKS again to Joy and her family for welcoming the madness.
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