
Sunday, June 27, 2010


Most things about the school year coming to an end are great!  I have been looking forward to being home with Jackson since.....well I guess since September when I went back.  Not that I don't like my job, infact it is just the opposite.  Most of the time I really love it, I just really, really, really love every moment that I get to spend with my guy.  Watching him grow over the past year and change has been amazing, which brings me to the part about the school year ending that makes me kind of sad.  We are really and truely going to miss Betsy, better know as Bebe, our beloved baby sitter.

Jackson adores you, and from the beginning found a safe place to grow and learn in your house and arms.  Under your watchful eye he has learned to crawl, walk, drink from a cup, eat with a spoon and now fork, take naps without mommy, blow kisses, give hugs.....and so much more through your gentle and loving reassurance.  I feel so blessed that I am able to share my child's life with someone who doesn't just babysit for my child, but loves my child.  Thank you for helping to make my transition into "working mom" a postive rather than negative experience.  Our entire family is forever grateful!

 Three very lucky kiddos

Ash, Jack Jack & Mimi

We love you Bebe!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Jackson's Daddy

No one ever said parenthood is easy, at least not any parents I know.  Rewarding?  Yes!  Amazing? Yes!  The best decision of our lives?  A resounding YES!  However, there are so many days that Frank takes it all in stride, being a spectacular father.  Balancing things that not many people have to, to make sure that our son is not only well taken care of but also happy.  There has never once been a doubt in my mind that he was meant to be a father....the best father there is.  So to my husband, you do amaze me and I love you!  And, I think I can speak for our son when I say you are awesome. 

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

The God Father

Enjoying the pool after a HOT day

We are blessed to have you in our lives!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Play(dates)

I am so excited that summer is almost here.....I can taste it (so can Jackson, in the form of the dreaded juicebox, choc full of sugary least it is 100% juice...who am I kidding?  Juicebox = addict).  Only six more days of school and then Mommy will be home for the summer!  Hooray!  For the last two weeks Jackson and I have attended two very fun SJhipMaMas playdates, and I am looking forward to many more.  I love being a part of this mommy's group and I feel that I have found many women that have similar views on parenting (yet with wisdom and advice that often times I am lacking) and through this, relationships friendships are being forged.  Non-judged, accepting, relaxed, welcomed friendships.  For me it has been spectacular to have 'other moms' around (even if at times only by e-mail) to keep me sane.  For Jackson it has been an opportunity to explore who he is and form relationships and connections with other tots.  Speaking as a first time mom, it is amazing to watch your child discover 'who they are' and 'what they can do'.  I love watching the interactions he has with other babes, watching them problem solve together and yet independently.  Even when I (or another parent) feels like it is time to intervene due to conflict, the kids quickly move on, playing together with a different toy or situation.  Such a lesson we can learn from our children.

 Cutie-pie Hazel in her bikini

Water babies

Thank for the awesome play-date Lily!

And speaking of realizing what you are capable of...

Every night in our house we go through the same gerneal bedtime routine.  Bath, lotion, diaper, jammies, hugs and kisses to Daddy, nurse, sleep.  It is so well orchestrated that it is a haven for all of us.  So, usually when Jack's bath is being run, I take off his diaper and let him streak around the house for a few minutes, burning off any of the extra energy.   This next part has now happened twice, my reaction both times has been the same.  Freeze......and laugh my you know what off. 
Jackson = diaper off, run out of room, pick up a toy, stop, stand up, pee on the floor, watch the rug turn dark as he does this with COMPLETE AWE, mesmorized by the pee on the floor, step in it, bend down to touch it....Mommy intervenes....into the bath you go Bub. 

I don't know why I think this is so funny, clearly the cleaning it up is not fun, nor the fear that he will think it is ok to pee on the floor or whenever his diaper is off.  But, I think as I watch the utter amazement in his eyes, I am amazed to.  He is so curious, and aware.  Two things I, as an adult, need to remind myself to be.  So I laugh.  Maybe he is ready to try the potty. 

 Hello, summer?  Are you there?

Ah, there is a piece of you stuck between my toes!

Got ya

Friday, June 11, 2010

Car Thief

My worst fear has come true.  Like father like son, exhibiting this thing (or trying to) called road rage - we'll call it mild (while not even on an actual road....or in an actual car for that matter).  This picture was just way, way, way to cute to not post.  We got such a good laugh out of it.  He seriously looks like a little old man in this picture, all he needs is the cap.

Thank You to A.J. and Maggie's neighbors for lending us their car for our visit in Phoenixville.  And Daddy said he would leave the neighbors outside toys alone....BAHAHAHAHA.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cloth Cutie

Recently there was an article in Mothering Magazine recently about cloth diapers. It discussed pros and cons of cloth diapering and also gave a very convincing summary of how cloth is...well just plain better. (Note that I did not say easier). Better for the environment, better for your baby, and better looking too. The prospect of using cloth had entered my mind on numerous occasions. However, just as fast as it entered it quickly left. I was uneducated and not quite willing to see how the benefits of using cloth outweighed our beloved Target brand diapers (effective, cute and CHEAP). After reading, or at least trying to read, the article in Mothering several times, I was struck with utter mind boggling confusion but yet curiosity about this seemingly archaic way of caring for your baby. *Sad side note - I was also strongly affected by something that I read about a dog eating a disposable diaper and dying from it.

First of all, there are numerous different brands and types of cloth diapers, some with extremely cute names and designs (first peeked my curiosity). There are AIO (all-in-one) diapers, prefolds, pocket diapers and a plethora of diaper covers in every color, fabric and pattern you could possible imagine. Can you say ultra stylish baby? Needless to say, I felt so overwhelmed that it literally took me several weeks to sort through it all with the help of the internet and the AWESOME moms group that I belong to. I quickly began to learn that it seems like each mom has there own motivation for cloth diapering. Of course we all want "what is best" for our baby, ie. no harsh chemicals next to the delicate skin of our precious little angels, but some are propelled by obligation to their own environmental beliefs, health reasons, a love for organic products (which by the way all cloth diapers are not), cost effectiveness or love of fashion. Well, in case you are dying to know, I fall into the later of the categories with undertones of feeling like I should not be filling a landfill with poop that will take one hundreds years or more to break down.

So this is what I did. After posing the question to my mom's group and having all of the cloth followers share their wisdom I decided to 'try it' (tentatively...with no all.....). I bought one Thirsties duo diaper cover and tried it with some prefolds that I had at home that we had previously used for burp cloths. I quickly learned a few things. First, cloth diapering is all about trial and error, finding what you prefer and what works best for you. Second, babies in cloth feel wetter....quicker, could be good or bad depending on the age of your child and your beliefs about potty training but that is a discussion for another day. Third, it is SO EASY! Shockingly easy! Much much much much easier than I ever thought. Fourth, Jackson looks SO CUTE in the diaper....I was hooked. And finally, fifth, I had to get me some more of these diapers!

I still say, to each his own. For right now we (well I, Frank is coming along very slowly) are taking it one step at a time. Since we still have a very limited supply of the 'good stuff' we are only partially cloth diparing, mainly when I am at home with the Bub. The rest of the time we are still relying on good old dependable Target. Step by step for the parents and for this little guy too.

Modeling the duo diaper

Loungin' in a comfy diaper

extra padding for comfortable lap sitting

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hershey Park

Big Boys

Last week Frank and Jack tagged along for my music department trip to Hershey Park where my choir took first place in the competition! Go DMS! It was a perfect day for amusement parking, cloudy but not raining, warm but not too hot. We had a great day taking Jackson on his first rides and enjoying some family time. The last several weeks have been extremely busy for both Frank and I and we desperately needed a day together to laugh, smile and play. Jack has been growing from a baby into a boy right before our eyes, amazing us with new words and things that he "just knows". Watching Jack and Frank ride the Frog Hopper ride, I thought to myself....I have a kid....who can ride rides.....CRAZY! And, yet from time to time, when I sit back and he snuggles into my neck at bed time I know he is still a baby (at least for a little bit), and I am still amazed that he is mine.

My big boys

and yet so little

driving the truck

trying to climb into the window of the kissing tower

my love

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jack Attacks Bear Creek

I have been wanting to post some of the many pictures that I took during Tara and Terrence's Wedding Weekend at Bear Creek Resort, but time seems to be running away from me. The resort was beautiful and we had a blast, including Jack. It was especially nice because Babci joined us to help watch the little man while Frank and I enjoyed the wedding festivities. The resort boasted a beautiful indoor pool, which Jackson LOVED, squealing with delight at each splash, and wanting to swim on his own....can you say Olympics? Sadly I didn't get any pictures in the pool, but I did capture some nice ones of him playing with the prom balloons from the night before. And, we think his very favorite, going for a ride on the luggage cart. We truly could have used a couple of extra days there....just to vacation.

Babci's Boy

Big Balloon Ball (Post Prom)

Playing with Catherine